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Elevating Health Equity: Celebrating National Minority Health Month

Writer's picture: Dr. Jovonni SpinnerDr. Jovonni Spinner

April is not just a month of blooming flowers and warming weather; it's also a time to reflect on our collective journey toward health equity. National Minority Health Month, celebrated every year in April, serves as a poignant reminder of the disproportionate burden of premature death and illness faced by people from racial and ethnic minority groups. This month is not just about raising awareness; it's about taking action, advocating for change, and fostering a culture of health and well-being in our communities.

The theme for this year's National Minority Health Month "Be the Source for Better Health: Improving Health Outcomes Through Our Cultures, Communities, and Connections”, is about understanding how the unique environments, cultures, histories, and circumstances (known as social determinants of health, or SDOH) of racial and ethnic minority and AI/AN populations impact their overall health. 

This theme resonates deeply with our mission to share resources and strategies that improve health outcomes through culturally tailored health education campaigns, supporting healthy communities, and building connections that stimulate partnership and collaboration. This is an opportunity to share two impactful campaigns led by Beacon Public Health:  “Mamas 4 Life” and "Unwind with the Tribe."

Mamas 4 Life: 

Mamas 4 Life is a maternal health campaign that confronts the stark reality of maternal mortality disparities experienced by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) women. The statistics are sobering, with BIPOC women facing significantly higher rates of maternal mortality compared to their white counterparts. This campaign aims not only to raise awareness about these disparities but also to advocate for change and promote solutions. We have free materials and resources that can be shared and used to stimulate dialogue and action: 

  • downloadable social media graphics and messages, 

  • webinar featuring doulas and midwives discussing their role and experiences 

  • Storytelling- mothers share their experiences with using a doula and/or midwife during their birthing journey 

  • Articles on doulas, midwives, and overall maternal health 

One critical aspect highlighted by Mamas 4 Life is the essential role of doulas and midwives in improving health outcomes for both mother and baby.

These birthing professionals provide culturally competent care, emotional support, and guidance throughout the pregnancy and childbirth journey, and medical care in the case of midwives. By amplifying their voices and advocating for increased access to doula and midwifery services, Mamas 4 Life is paving the way for healthier pregnancies and births in BIPOC communities.

Unwind with the Tribe: 

Another campaign, "Unwind with the Tribe" campaign takes a holistic approach to health education by focusing on the power of our social networks, or "tribes," in influencing health decisions among Black women.

This campaign recognizes the strong sense of connectedness and community among Black women and harnesses it as a catalyst for positive change in health behaviors related to weight management. 

"Unwind with the Tribe" emphasizes the importance of cultural food choices, physical activity, and self-care within the context of supportive social networks. By promoting activities that bring communities together, such as cooking classes, group exercise sessions, and wellness workshops, this campaign nurtures a culture of wellness that is rooted in shared cultural experiences and mutual support. Download free resources including a communication toolkit, articles and research briefs, and watch the Instagram Live replay featuring experts in nutrition, mental health, and physical health. 

As we celebrate National Minority Health Month and beyond, let's remember that health equity is not just a goal; it's a journey that requires collective effort, advocacy, and empowerment. Let's continue to be the source for better health in our communities, championing initiatives like “Mamas 4 Life” and "Unwind with the Tribe" that prioritize equity, inclusivity, and well-being for all. We remain committed to creating culturally tailored education resources and professional development opportunities to support healthier communities that will ultimately reduce health disparities and improve health equity. Together, we can create a healthier, more resilient future for generations to come. 

Check out our educational resources on our website at to help educate and inspire positive behavior change. Let’s continue the conversation on social media. 

Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn: @BeaconPublic Health 

About the author: Dr. Jovonni Spinner, CEO and Founder of Beacon Public Health and Maryland Healthcare Commissioner is an award-winning health equity strategist, thought leader, and TEDx speaker dedicated to advancing health equity across all stages of life through research, education, and community building. 

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