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The "Unwind with the Tribe" Campaign

 “Unwind with the Tribe” is a health education campaign to raise awareness about how our social network, referred to as our “tribe” can influence our health decisions, with an emphasis on food and physical activity. This campaign has a strong emphasis on connectedness, a common value among Black women, and will highlight ways in which we can support one another in our health and wellness goals.

Black women have higher rates of overweight and obesity (OVO) compared to their White counterparts; 75.5% and 61.8% respectively. This is problematic because OVO can cause a host of issues ranging from 

  • chronic diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, and/or stroke) which can lead to disability or premature death,  

  • mental health issues (anxiety, depression) and decreased social wellbeing, and  

  • and increased healthcare costs. 


Recent research shows that social and cultural factors can influence Black women’s attitudes and behaviors towards their weight, body image, and strategies to manage their weight. Most notable factors include family and peer/friend influence, where they live, income, and education. Family influence and family traditions have a big influence on how some Black women make decisions about their diet and physical activity.

Did you know? 

Campaign Materials & Events

#TribeUnwind Virtual Event

During this 3-part series we will gather to have a conversation and share stories about our social connectedness to food and physical activity. While sharing stories, our speakers will share health and wellness principles to help Black women make better decisions about their weight related health decisions, while promoting a community of togetherness and leaning in on our social circle for support and accountability.

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#TribeUnwind Social Media Toolkit

This social media toolkit contains messages to share with your network. Here are three ways you can use the information. 

  1. Promote campaign messages on your social media. 

    1. Use our digital downloads on any of your social media channels to help raise awareness. Use the hashtag #TribeUnwind

  2. Tag @BeaconPublicHealth to help increase the reach of the campaign so others can access our resources. 

  3. Stay connected & follow us on social media for updates. 

#TribeUnwind Research Brief & Articles

Findings from the research study, "What is Impacting the Waistlines of Black Women Living In Prince George's County, Maryland? were used to develop the "Unwind with the Tribe" health education campaign. Read this research brief which summarizes the findings from the study.  

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